Tuesday, April 27, 2010

The Liberal Mindset

I just received two letters in the mail. One from Abigail and the other from Dad. Unfortunately, I'm sorry to report that Dad's letter was far less soothing than Abigail's. His first mistake was including the "Letters to the Editor" page of the Oregonian. I'm afraid my blood pressure is several levels higher than when I came home from work. A few illogical arguments I came across:
  1. "Compromise between liberal and conservative values is usually disastrous."

    Agreed. But to then say that a moderate liberal is more likely to pass trillion dollar stimulus bills than a left-wing liberal is baloney. Obama is the most left-wing leaning president we've ever had, and... surprise!, he's already spent more than any of his predecessors.
  2. "We want a governor who puts people before corporate interests..."

    Dare I say that a governor who encourages corporate investment does right by his constituents? Conversely, dare I say that a governor who encourages corporations to relocate elsewhere does poorly by his constituents? I'd better stop, my apartment is probably bugged by the leftist weirdos around here.
  3. "The time has come for the United States of America to stop naming war machines after any group of people that they conquered or will conquer in the future." [referring to the AH-64 Apache helicopter]

    Point #1: The people who "conquered" the Native Americans didn't name the helicopter.

    Point #2: The people who 
    did didn't approve of the mistakes of their predecessors

    Point #3: The people who 
    did didn't intend to demean the Indians by naming the helicopter such.

    Point #4: The statement assumes that the past, present, and future goal of the United States is to conquer other nations. This seems (to me anyway) to be antithetical to the actions of the United States over the past century.

    Point #5: Some people need to start being more patriotic and less SENSITIVE. (sorry for yelling)
I shall now endeavor to transfer the heat of my anger into the rice that's simmering on the stove.

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