Sunday, April 22, 2012


The horizon of Verizon. We can see it coming, but it isn't yet among us.

We moved. You probably heard.

But the Internet didn't move with us.

This is bad.

Our rental is supposed to be the Mecca of Geekdom, but it's awfully hard to achieve this when you're browsing Gmail on the monochrome screen of your Kindle.

:Brian, stop laughing about the unlimited data plan on your smartphone:

Frontier is coming on Tuesday to eradicate our shame. 


That's... what... 30 hours away?

In the meantime, what are we going to do? This morning consisted of fried eggs, cereal, and scattered discussion about the weather, shopping, and interior decorating.

I told you it was dire.

Nathan was so bored that he didn't even bother getting out of bed to tell Brian and I goodbye as we left for church. We texted him instead.

(He decided to stay home and wait for our dryer and washer to be delivered. I commend such courage in the face of a disconnected--almost disembodied--state.)

After church a couple of us tried to visit the Evergreen Aviation and Space Museum. But our annual pass had expired, so we went and got ice cream instead (thank you, Brian).

I couldn't take it anymore by this point. I went home for dinner (and Wi-Fi theft). The sun was nice, so I sunned myself like a sphinx while checking e-mail and Facebook.

Then, ashamed of myself, I went inside and opened a bunch of cans for my mom.

Seriously though, you never think it can happen to you. Internet dependence. Shame. Re-runs of Daniel Gardner videos on a 4" screen can only occupy you for so long before you go mad. The insanity is only partially (maybe mostly) Mr. Gardner's fault.

Oh, and lest you think I would fill an entire post without a completely random comment: you should know. I changed my typeface to Helvetica. Because Times New Roman makes me want to punch something.

Have a nice day,
- Daniel


  1. My suggestion for what to do in the 30 remaining hours: sleep. But maybe that's just because I'm a college student commuting and doing a stupid (smart??) double major combination, making said commodity my most valuable resource.

    Also, to complete awesomeness, you must make your primary tv into a media center. Preferably with every game system you've got and an older computer retrofitted with a blu-ray burner. (In my opinion, it's best to eschew a dedicated player cuz they're too darn expensive.)

    Oh, I might amend my first statement to include a LoTR Trilogy Extended Edition marathon as a possibility. ;)

  2. I assume the cans were ones your mom wanted open?

    And, while I generally use Times New Roman for consistency and efficiency, one of my professors did complain about its 'boringness(?).' He said something about liking Palatino Linotype better. This being my senior seminar class, you can probably guess what font I used for my paper in that class.

  3. Let me guess.

    You were rebellious and used Comic Sans instead. :-P

  4. Rebellious? Grades? Nope--those don't go together. Though it was a paper about Beowulf, so I could have used Book Antiqua or Old English Text.

    Come to think of it, what would be the proper font for a Geek blog?

  5. If you ever get the urge, I recommend reading about Hermann Zapf.
