Friday, May 7, 2010

On Kmart and Whiteboards...

Well, it's the end of a crazy finals week. This also marks the official start of my summer "vacation", though, what with work and all, I'll be plenty busy. One of my goals is to study statistics in preparation for a digital communication class next semester. The other is to do some hardcore programming, as I'm not getting any of that at work.

Today was an interesting day, all told. I found out some interesting facts. First, a 4'x6' whiteboard doesn't fit in a Toyota Corolla, as much as I'd like it too. Second, Kmart isn't a good place to find incidentals (in my case, fingernail clippers). Not to say that they don't stock those items, it's just kind of like finding a speck of pepper in a salt shaker ( my defense, it was either that horrible analogy or the mother of all clichés... can you say needle and haystack?).

About the whiteboard. I know they all look alike, but apparently there are big differences. While browsing at Staples, I noticed that some whiteboards had a 10 year warranty and others had a 50 year warranty. It seems that the materials are the key. The lower-cost whiteboards use a substance called Melamine (a resin composed of cyanamide and formaldehyde). The higher-cost whiteboards use a porcelain ceramic-on-steel coating. The difference is that Melamine is somewhat porous, so ghosting (left-over ink stains) occurs easily. Porcelain is essentially glass, so is not pourous, and consequently doesn't suffer from ghosting. In fact, you can even use permanent marker on a ceramic-steel whiteboard, and it will just rub right off. Another interesting thing about ceramic-steel whiteboards is that they're usually magnetic, so they can do double-duty as a bulletin board.

Well, that's probably more info than you ever wanted to know, but I found it interesting.

About the hardcore programming. Over the next six months I'll be developing a RTS game for the Windows Phone 7 platform. Stay tuned.

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