Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Monsters Lurking in the Living Room

Every time I get home from work, there's a three-legged monster standing in my living room, waiting for me. Its large eye is usually gleaming in my direction, looking like some grotesque prehistoric thing brought back from the annuals of time. Each leg has two segments, allowing for great flexibility and stealth when stalking prey.

Then I flick the light switch, and it turns into my tripod-mounted camera. (hey, who says you can't take artistic liberties when blogging?)

"So there's a tripod sitting in your living room", you're thinking. "Big deal."

Now, if it were there merely for decoration, I'd agree with you. However, it's much more than that. It symbolizes the need for me to start working on something productive; it gets my creative juices flowing.

The first thing it reminds me to do is blog. I walk in that door, start thinking about pictures, and then try to find something that catches the eye. Even if the picture doesn't relate to my post, it still serves the purpose of getting me out of my box and thinking about a unique topic to write about. Usually an idea will pop up while I'm doing a random activity, like dinner prep, speech writing, chess, or math homework.

For example, tonight I spent some time studying Ordinary Differential Equations (ODEs). While studying, I realized that differential equations would make a terrible blog entry, so I moved on to dinner prep. Still nothing. I sliced up an avocado and a grapefruit, but the knife didn't slip or anything, so there wasn't anything to write home about. As time kept creeping closer and closer to blogging time, with zero noteworthy happenings, I began to realize the desperation of the situation...

...which is why I ended up writing about writing. It's an old standby when no better topic presents itself. The tripod monster was the last gasp of my imagination, and, as you saw, things went downhill from there. I close this post wishing you a very good night and--I hope--no ill effects from the extreme excitement displayed here.

Until next time.

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