Monday, May 7, 2012


I want to know about you.

What makes you laugh?

What makes you cry?

What moves you in ways that nothing else can?

Because, ultimately, very little in life is really about me. Most is actually about you.

So, perhaps I've been a bit deceptive. You only think this blog is about me. It's really not.

It's about you.

Some things that fascinate me would bore you to tears. Some things that tear me up would tear you down. Some things that are perfect in private would be pointless in public.

And alliteration always aligns with the dark side.

So no. I guess this blog isn't really a true reflection of me. The real me is saner than a cracker with a side of cheddar cheese. The real me is more sober than a poodle after a pedicure. The real me is slower than a snail on steroids.

The cool thing about a blog is you can become anything.

A blue streak through a northwest rain forest.

A barefoot indian in suburbia.

A schizophrenic runner high on exercise-induced cannabinoids.

(funny how all those had to do with the faster form of bipedal motion)

In truth, that's part of who I am. But maybe, less so, it's a semi-translucent veil for who I truly am. It's the more humorous side of my being, the time I can be more candid and less sensible. My "superman" transformation, if you will.

Yeah. Tardis... phone booth... you can conjecture on which one I use. I'm not telling.

All of you have troubles. Problems you'd love to be rid of. Things you'd love to forget.

Sometimes. Just sometimes, wouldn't it nice if you could? Forget things? Temporarily?

So, laugh with me. Laugh at me. Laugh on my behalf.

And if, once in a while, I get an itch to be serious, don't be too surprised.

If I were a cassette tape, I'd be 66% laugh track, 32% court jester, and 1% unicorn with a sprinkling of rainbow-colored pixie dust.

But I'm not. I'm actually a Betamax of Gilligan's Island re-runs.

Until next time,
- Daniel


  1. Daniel, in your last post, you revealed you had a stalker. :nods: I think that you should have posted this post before you posted that post.

    #1 - then you might have gotten the stalker to talk about him/her/itself.

    #2 - you scared everyone off from commenting on this post.

    Oh, and as we all know, I'm an engineering student by day, Star Wars ninja by night.

  2. I dearly hope my stalker isn't an 'it'.

    To quote a well-bearded gentleman, "there are older and fouler things than Orcs in the deep places of the world."
