Thursday, November 3, 2011


Life is like rolling down a mossy embankment.

Life is not like hiding under your bedsheets writing blog posts.

But ignore that for the moment. Suppose life were more like a DVR. That second analogy would make more sense. You could blog about the good parts while skipping through the bad parts. Watch the movie until the boogie monster comes out of the closet, then skip out and let the rest of the family experience the carnage.

...or maybe you like carnage, and you'd rather leave the love scenes to the family. Your mileage may vary. I for one get enough carnage at the dentist office.

Alas, reality strikes. It seems our lives more closely resemble the Man in Black rolling down a hill yelling "asss yooouuu wisshhh". We're actors in an action film. A film with a script and a very strict director who hates ad-libbing.

The Arminians can have at me in the comments below, but it at least seems that life will move on with or without us.

Now, before you crucify me for comparing God and His Will to Rob Reiner and William Goldman, let me say I believe that God's plan is much better than the Pit of Despair and Miracle Max. (believe me, if Billy Crystal showed up as the answer to prayer, I would have some serious questions).

There seems to be considerable merit behind the idea that God is the Director of Life (not the cereal, and definitely not the magazine). He formed the foundations of the world, created man in his own image, and is intimately involved in our lives from beginning to end. Is it such a stretch to think that he orchestrates the day-to-day fabric of our lives?

All we have to do is face the music and play what he's composed for us. All things work together for good, and I for one am not going to think my Savior means me harm when life seems less than perfect.

Yup, change is part of the equation. Ups and downs are part of the ride. The boogie monster is a-comin', and there ain't a lot you can do about it.

So, what am I going to do about it? One second. Hand a superman costume under the covers and release that bad boy. I'm ready to ride my monster.

Until next time,
- Daniel


  1. I'm still keeping a lookout for that bug-free rock. So there. ;P

  2. I don't know about hiding under the bedsheets, but if it's the difference between hanging out with fictional characters in Areaex and dealing with real people, then yes, I do it too. Anna and company are so much easier to deal with...

  3. Where's the like button? Amen, Daniel.
