Sunday, June 6, 2010

Beware of the Camera

Apparently, I have a reputation.

Most of you know that I like shooting pictures, candid ones especially. My DSLR can also capture video, which has been handy for recording those... surreal... moments when a mere picture won't do. At a recent ball, I just put my camera on a tripod, turned it on, and walked away. It's amusing what some people will do in front of an unattended camera.

Anyways, like I say, I have a reputation. This past weekend several of my homeschool friends graduated from high school, so I and my camera ended up in attendance at a few gatherings.

The first occasion was at a graduation ceremony. I snapped away cheerfully and uploaded the images after reaching home. These pictures were received with grace and good humor. So far, so good.

The second occasion was at a graduation reception. While capturing images with gusto, I noticed a few sideways glances. If these were expressions of enmity, I was blissfully unaware. Upon returning to my apartment, I uploaded these pictures as well, which were received with great joy by those not captured by my lens.

The third occasion was at a post-graduation party. About mid-way through the event, I noted aloud the desire to retrieve my camera. Surprisingly, jokes were made concerning the physical safety of cameras left in storage. There was a slight chill in the air, and an unspoken strain twitched briefly in the stolid expressions of the jokesters. I relented.

There's a lesson in all this. Candidness is to be appreciated, memories are to be savored, but a man with the gift of moderation is to be highly exalted. If you're a philosopher, know thyself. If you're a photographer, know the limits of thy audience. Enough said.

1 comment:

  1. I'll never forget the video you took at the 2010 Twelfth Night Ball, that was great!

    Just remember that in order to get a few extremely good photos, you usually have to take a few that certain people will consider less than excellent. Most people make a fuss out loud, but don't really care.

    If my vote counts, I like it that you take so many pictures of events!
