Sunday, September 18, 2011

Cats (and why I want mace for Christmas)

I'm not a vengeful person by nature, but the next time a mangy hound of the Baskervilles sprints up behind me, he's getting a shot of mace. Between the eyes. I don't run a 4 minute/mile pace for their amusement.

Yes, I know they're only following their hunter instincts. Four legs, sharp incisors, and monosyllabic barks are designed for one and one thing only... bringing home the bacon. Apparently they didn't get the memo. Humans aren't bacon.

Cats are different. The sense of danger isn't as imminent, but my instinct tells me it's just as real. Perhaps more so. (I'd tell you once I've proved my theory once and for all, but by that time I'll probably be dead.)

Seriously, look in a cat's eyes. Just once. You'll see one thing. Death. (Don't believe me? Spend a few minutes considering all the disemboweled little bodies that have been strewn about your threshold over the years, and you will.)

But here's where humans have a lot more in common with cats than with dogs (sans disemboweled bodies, though I'm sure more than a few of us have some skeletons in our closets). When dogs see prey, they chase it... loudly. When cats and humans see prey, they stalk it... quietly.

Sure, we stalk different things. Cats stalk bugs, birds, mice, and squirrels. Humans stalk fancy cars, food in the fridge, and each other. Regardless, when we get in range of our prey, whatever it is, we pounce. Sometimes it's a scary sight (just ask me about Josh and the Leftover Meatloaf sometime).

Still, as it is, since cats seem to at least tolerate our existence, my attention will remain on the nefarious canine. I'm going to REI tomorrow. Mace awaits...

(credits to Sarah G. for the shot of Megan the sumo cat)

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